Political history is the narrative and analysis of political events, ideas, movements, and leaders. It is usually structured around the nation state. It is distinct from, but related to, other fields of history such as social history, economic history, and military history.
Generally, political history focuses on events relating to nation-states and the formal political process. This contrasts to some extent with social history, which focuses predominantly on the actions and lifestyles of ordinary people, or people's history, which is historical work from the perspective of common people. (source: Wikipedia)
As we expand our research on the social and political history of countries unexamined by textbooks, explore the following resources:
International Database (IDB) http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/
Fletcher School at Tufts International Relations Resources
The Global Social Change Research Project from the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication http://gsociology.icaap.org/
The History Guide http://www.historyguide.de/
World History: HyperHistory http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/History_n2/a.html
Modern World History Online (requires login from NY Public Library)
Handbook of Latin American Studies http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/
*Also* try searching phrases "political history of," "social history of," "political change in,"
To do this, use advanced search engines including:
Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/index.html
Google Books http://books.google.com/
Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/
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